NSCAF BOD Minutes - October 6, 2014

Minutes of the NSCA Foundation Board of Directors Teleconference Meeting held October 6, 2014

Tammy Evetovich, PhD, President, NSCA Foundation
Brian Schilling, PhD, Vice President, NSCA Foundation
Chad Kerksick, PhD, Secretary/Treasurer, NSCA Foundation
Todd Miller, PhD, BOD Liaison, NSCA Foundation
Lee Madden, Senior Director of Finance, NSCA

Not Present:
John Wingender, Public Member, NSCA Foundation

I. Call to Order

11:03am CST

II. Scholarship Review Committee Position

Applicants for the open positions on the scholarship committee were discussed.
Brian Schilling commented he was encouraged by the quality of people who applied.

Motion by Chad Kerksick to nominate Jonathan Oliver for open position, seconded by Todd Miller.

ACTION: Motion carried 4-0, letter will be drafted by Tammy Evetovich and sent to Jonathan Oliver.

III. Update on Electronic Grants Submission

Report submitted by Dr. Abbie Ryan-Smith, chair of the grant committee: 

“The grants subcommittee organized formal conversations with Keith Cinea from Headquarters to discuss options for taking the grant submission and review process electronic. Keith evaluated some options, with the use of Cadmium rising as the best option. This system is what is currently used for Abstract submission. The system costs $2250 for the first 100 applications ($22.50 per). After the first 100, it costs $15 per abstract.
A conference call took place with Cadmium, Keith Cinea, Tammy Evetovich, and Abbie Smith-Ryan, evaluating the electronic interface and compatibility of the system with the grants process and documentation. Based on this review and mock run through, all needed functions seem to be met. Specifically: online reviewer requests, online database of reviewers, online submission, extraction, and reviews. Multiple user interface access (i.e., grants subcommittee can directly download applications from site). Cadmium is currently working on the grant page, and will have it up and running by 1/1/15. We will be able to test it prior to then, but currently we do not have any hard date timelines for this testing. The grants subcommittee is also in the process of modifying some of the forms, which will be part of the online system.”

Discussion by the Board of Directors:
Lee Madden will confer with Keith Cinea about the fee being covered by NSCA. We are hoping to be able to test the system by the end of 2014. If testing goes well, then we will implement the new electronic submission process for the 2015 review cycle.

Board member discussion indicated support to continue to explore the process.

ACTION: Tammy Evetovich will follow up with Abbie Smith-Ryan, NSCA Research Committee Chair, to indicate BOD support. We are hoping to be established, tested, and ready for review cycle in 2015.

IV. Updated Scholarship Rubrics

An excel spreadsheet sent ahead of the meeting provided the proposed rubric.

The new proposed rubric was developed to create more appropriate review criteria for high school scholarships and all other scholarships.

ACTION: Widespread support for new rubric. Suggestion was made to have Matt Stock, Chair of NSCAF Scholarship Review Committee, incorporate previous scores from winners to test the new rubrics and see how well past applicants would have fared.

V. Private Support to Offset Abstract Fee

Chad Kerksick introduced discussion and indicated he spoke with Jordan Moon, PhD, Research Institute Director for MusclePharm, on 9/9/14. Jordan Moon reiterated his company’s interest in providing funds to offset the cost of the abstract submission program in exchange for recognition of support.

It was recommended to table the discussion until further information is gathered such as feelings from BOD, perceptions of conflict of interests with company, making sure sponsorship and recognition are appropriate and consistent with other sponsors.

A collective discussion took place to research what other professional organizations are doing to prevent people from not showing up.

ACTION: Table further discussion until more information is collected. Lee Madden is going to seek other information from past years, including number of students who submit abstracts vs. faculty and number of abstracts that were no-shows compared to previous years. In addition, Tammy Evetovich and Chad Kerksick are going to talk to other organizations (e.g., ACSM, ISSN, NATA) to determine their policies and will follow-up via email.

VI. Status Update on Fundraising Consultant

Lee Madden indicated there was not much new information at this point in time. Lee Madden provided a general overview and indicated she is still waiting for return contact from individuals she had contacted about operating as a fundraising consultant for NSCAF.

ACTION: Widespread support across board to continue and grow the actions. Brian Schilling commented it’s critical to NSCAF mission and needed to help keep tax status in place.

VII. Other Business

A) A third person was added to the grants subcommittee per Abbie Smith-Ryan’s request to help with efficiency and workload.

B) Tammy Evetovich spoke with John Martin regarding investments, strategy, plan, etc. More information to follow.

C) Fund to honor Jerry Martin, former strength and conditioning coach at Connecticut.

Andrea Hudy and other friends wanted to do something in his honor.

Lee Madden indicated an agreement has been drafted to establish an award and was currently with lawyers on establishing the scholarship. 

D) An open question was brought forth with regard to structure of NSCAF BOD regarding the need for a larger foundation board and that foundation board members be put in charge of various subcommittees of Research and Education committee.

Lee Madden said she would look at Bylaws and that each standing committee of NSCA had a BOD liaison and a NSCA staff liaison. 

It was suggested that we develop an organizational chart to aid in seeing who is responsible to get a better idea of how to make things more efficient.

ACTION: Lee Madden is going to work on developing organizational chart

Meeting adjourned @ 11:48am CST by Brian Schilling, seconded by Todd Miller.

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