NSCAF BOD Minutes - October 28, 2016

Minutes of the NSCA Foundation Board of Directors Meeting held Friday, October 28, 2016, at NSCA Headquarters Board Room Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm MST on Friday, October 28, 2016 by NSCA Foundation President, Dr. Brian Schilling. 
Participating in the meeting were: NSCAF President, Dr. Brian Schilling; NSCAF Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Chad Kerksick; Public Member, Tom Mahoney; and NSCA Appointed Director, Dr. David Szymanski. 
Also present: NSCA Staff Liaison, Lee Madden. 
Discussion Items: 1. The Board discussed a job description for the Foundation Director position.  Minor changes were suggested and after circulation for approval of changes, the position will be posted for hire. 2. The Board discussed an update of the signers for the Foundation checking account and discussed allowing the NSCA Staff Liaison to the Foundation the ability to sign checks below a designated limit. a. Motions: i. That the Board of Directors approves the removal of Tammy Evetovich as a signer on the bank account. (Passed) (No record of moved, seconded on any of the motions in Oct.) ii. That the Board of Directors approves the appointment of Brian Schilling as a signer on the bank account. (Passed) iii. That the Board of Directors approves NSCA Staff Liaison, Lee Madden to sign checks up to $1,000; checks over $1,000 will require two signatures. (Passed) 3. The Board discussed moving the Foundation bank account to a local bank in Colorado Springs to improve banking convenience. a. Motion: i. That the Board of Directors approves the move of the Foundation bank account to Wells Fargo Bank in Colorado Springs. (Passed) 
New Business: 1.  Chad Kerksick discussed the idea of creating a named scholarship for Jerry Mayhew.  Decisions on the process for naming scholarships was deferred until after Strategic Planning discussions. 
Dr. Brian Schilling adjourned the meeting at 5:30 pm MST.

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