Members present: Joan Eckerson, Brian Schilling, John Wingender, Todd Miller, and Tammy Evetovich
Called to order by Dr. Eckerson
I. Nominate Tammy Evetovich for Secretary (Dr. Eckerson)
- Seconded (Dr. Miller)
- Motion Carried
II. Dr. Eckerson appointed Dr. Schilling to be the BOD Representative for Scholarship Committee
III. Report on where we currently stand:
- $3,756,189 12/30/2011
- $4,100,542 12/31/2012
- Aggregate value change: $344,353 (+9.1%)
- 5% of the average of the last 12 quarters available for grants/scholarships in 2013
- $3,785,151 X .05 = $189,258
- Half to grants and half to scholarships ($94,629)
- GNC increased their contribution to $20,000
- $2,500 GNC Nutritional Research Grant
- $2,500 Master’s grants
- $5,000 Doctoral grants
- $10,000 Young Investigator
- NSCA $50,000 International Collaboration Grant
- Total grants allocation: $164,629
- Grand total grants/scholarships allocation: $259,258
GNC initially designated $1,500 for travel grants – because there was not enough time to get an application developed and on the website, GNC gave permission to add the $1,500 to YI grant.
IV. Dr. Eckerson brought forth a discussion with regard to a grant reporting form. In addition, we do not have an official policy on extensions and what we would do if an individual awarded a grant does not complete the project or perhaps mismanages the grant funds.
Motion – It is recommended that the Research Committee develop A) a grant reporting form and B) a method to use that form so that we are assured that it was completed by the awardees and can be accessed should they apply for a grant again in the future. (Dr. Schilling)
- Seconded (Dr. Miller)
- Motion carried
- Dr. Eckerson will give them some kind of idea as to what should be included on the form.
Motion – It is recommended that the Research Committee develop a policy statement for grants to be included in the application process with regard to the expectation that grant monies be used properly and projects be completed in a timely manner. (Dr. Evetovich)
- Seconded (Dr. Wingender)
- Motion carried
V. General Discussion on how funds are awarded for grants and scholarships
- Grants are written to the University
- Scholarships are written to the person – they can use it however they wish to fund their education
- Challenge scholarship wording on the website may need to change, says specifically must be used for tuition. Does it need to be less specific?
VI. SEI Account –
- Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) generate about $5,000 in dividends per month. Currently, the money is reinvested into the REIT accounts
- Motion – It is recommended that the NSCAF reinvest the cash flow from the REIT accounts and funds deposited by the NSCA into the SEI account. (Dr. Eckerson)
- Seconded – (Dr. Miller)
- Motion carried
Next NSCAF Meeting Thursday, July 11th at 2:30 at NSCA National Conference
Meeting to adjourn at 2:06 pm central time
Respectfully submitted by Tammy K. Evetovich, NSCAF Secretary