NSCAF BOD Minutes - August 1, 2012

Minutes of the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation (NSCAF) Board of Directors (BOD) Teleconference Meeting - August 1, 2012, 12:30 pm CST

Participating Members: Joan Eckerson, Todd Miller

I. Discuss/Approve Change in Officers

Joan Eckerson received a written notice of Jared Coburn’s resignation from the BOD on July 30, 2012. As a result, Joan Eckerson recommended that she serve as President/Secretary and that Todd Miller serve as Vice President/Treasurer through July 2013, which was agreed upon by Todd Miller. Joan Eckerson will also replace Jared Coburn as the interim BOD appointed representative to the Scholarship Review Committee.

Joan Eckerson notified Lee Madden and Curtis Lords of Jared Coburn’s resignation and asked that the call for new BOD members be updated with an application deadline of September 15, 2012. 

II. Approve Revised Criteria for the International Collaboration Grant

The revised criteria for the International Collaboration Grant were approved and will be updated on the Foundation website.

III. Power Systems® Scholarship

Joan Eckerson reported that the new Power Systems® contract with the NSCA did not include funds for a sponsored scholarship. After a brief discussion, it was agreed that the scholarship would no longer be awarded.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm CST

Respectfully submitted by Joan Eckerson, President/Secretary

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