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(136 found)

5 Researched Ways to Become a Fat Burning Beast

October 30, 2017


Learn how to increase the body’s use of fat as a fuel without compromising the use of carbohydrates for higher-intensity training. Mike Nelson, PhD, explains how combining specific nutrition and exercise together affects the use of fat as a fuel, in this session from the NSCA’s 2017 Personal Trainers Conference.

Personal trainers Nutrition Program design Fat Burning Personal Trainer High Intensity Training Exercise and Nutrition

Understanding Stress and Training

November 10, 2023

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This article seeks to help personal trainers understand the physiological effects of stress and helpful ways they can drive positive changes for their clients through exercise.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Stress Allostatic Load Cortisol Psychosocial Index Homeostasis

Commitment to the Profession - Time to Step Up or Step Out

January 1, 2014

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Professional standards can differ from gym-to-gym, studio-to-studio, and personal trainer-to-personal trainer, but all professional personal trainers can benefit from focusing on specific goals.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development standards professionalism Personal training

Teaching Focus: A Personal Perspective

June 1, 2016

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The constant presence of technology can train the mind to be in a constant state of reactivity and unease. Personal trainers can help their clients improve performance by teaching them how to focus.

Personal trainers Exercise Science personal training how to be focused mental focus

The Experience Is Just as Important as the Results—Building a Successful Fitness Business Beyond Exercise

July 1, 2015

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To build a successful business and reputation, personal trainers must do more than get their clients physical results; they must also create a positive experience. That experience must be inviting, engaging, and consistent if personal trainers want to make a real impact on their community and bottom line.

Personal trainers Professional Development NSCA-CPT how to make how to become a personal trainer how to make money as a personal trainer personal trainer

Considerations for Transitioning to Online Personal Training

August 13, 2021

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The purpose of this article is to provide the reader some direction and suggestions for how to make the transition to online personal training smooth and successful.

Personal trainers Program design Professional Development Online Personal Training Clients Schedule SAID Principle

NSCA-CPT how to prepare


NSCA-Certified Personal Trainers® (NSCA-CPT)® are health/fitness professionals who use an individualized approach to train clients for the primary goal of improving their personal health and fitness. Learn more about becoming a certified personal trainer with the NSCA's CPT certification! Visit NSCA.com for information on personal trainer jobs, personal training certifications, personal trainer insurance and continuing education as you pursue one of the best personal trainer certifications.

4 Keys to Delivering an Unforgettable Experience

December 3, 2018

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Creating life changing experiences takes time and does not often happen overnight. Sometimes it can be one mind-blowing experience but more often than not it is a series of great experiences delivered over a period of time that leads clients to settle on a fitness home and become raving fans.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development Fitness Industry Personal Training Business

Client Assessments—Posture Assessment

June 24, 2019

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Correct spinal alignment is key to many lifts and can help prevent back pain form everyday activities. This is an overview of the anatomy and methods to help identify and correct common postural imbalances.

Personal trainers Program design Testing and Evaluation Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Corrective Exercise Back Pain Spinal Alignment Correct Posture

The Components that Make a Trainer Successful

January 1, 2014


High standards improve the quality of professionals working within the fitness industry. This article provides steps that may help to increase income for personal trainers.

Personal trainers Professional Development Personal training career personal training personal trainer salary personal training certification how to become a personal trainer

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