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Small Details for Big Gains: How to Conduct Sessions to Get the Most Out of Your Athletes

December 1, 2016

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In this lecture from the NSCA's 2016 Coaches Conference, Caitlin Quinn discusses how to implement simple techniques for creating a disciplined (yet enjoyable) team lifting environment. Quinn talks about how to hold athletes to a high standard of knowledge and movement accountability, how to teach simple physiology to achieve desirable technique, how to instill a level of ownership within each athlete, and how to place a large emphasis on an athlete's mental engagement throughout a lifting session.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Organization and Administration Team Environment Strength and Conditioning Movement Accountability Mental Engagement

Creating a High Performance Model in U.S. Elite Sport

February 2, 2016

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In this session from the 2016 NSCA Coaches Conference, the Sports Science and Performance Manager for the Seattle Sounders Major League Soccer (MLS) team, David Tenney, discusses the “high performance model” in the American elite sports environment. Tenney delves into how this model impacts hierarchy and daily decision making, as well as the obstructions that many organizations face, how this model can help to drive decision making and optimize training strategies, and the different strategies that can help make this happen.

Coaches Program design Professional Development conditioning Mark Kovacs program design multi-sport athlete sports conditioning power strength

SCJ 46.1 Selection of Key Performance Indicators for Your Sport and Program: Proposing a Complementary Process- Driven Approach

Quiz CATD 0.2

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are commonplace in business and sport. They offer an objective means to link data and processes with performance outcomes. Yet, their application in sports performance, particularly team sports, is not without issue. Here, we review 4 key issues relating to KPI application in team sports; lack of a universal definition, complexity of performance, drifting from on-field performance goals with off-field targets, and agency issues across different key stakeholders. With these issues relating to sports performance KPIs in mind, we propose a complementary approach to help practitioners focus on implementing the conditions that create performance environments and opportunities for success in a complex sporting environment. Ongoing process trackers (OPTs) are quantifiable measures of the execution of behaviors and processes that create the environments, cultures, and conditions for successful performance outcomes. This approach equips sports science practitioners with key questions they can ask themselves and their team when starting to select and use OPTs in their program.

How to Apply for RSCC


To apply you will need to fill out the online application, but first, please read the qualifications to ensure you are eligible. Applicants must achieve and maintain the NSCA certified Strength and conditioning Specialist (CSCS )certification. RSCC coaches will need to meet CEU requirements for the CSCS and recertify every three year cycle as well as complete the RSCC renewal course each year.There is a $100 application fee for RSCC and RSCC* applicants. There is no fee for RSCC*E applicants.

Lindsey Kirschman | Strength Coach, Teacher, Team Player

Lindsey Kirschman sees her non-traditional educational background as her greatest asset, not a detriment. She still considers herself a teacher — just differently — as the Director of Sports Performance for University of Utah women’s basketball. Coming from a family of educators, Kirschman initially studied forestry and range science before pursuing strength and conditioning. Kirschman explains how her teaching experience provided a firm foundation for optimizing learning and creating a positive environment. Her approach promotes skill transfer from the weight room to sport and beyond, using exercises like sled pushes as analogies for life lessons about resilience. A former track athlete, Kirschman underscores that while the finish line is the same, every athlete’s starting point is unique. Kirschman also discusses culture building through her “GOAT Award” and the challenges of transitioning from a generalist to a specialist. She encourages aspiring professionals to reframe their mindset and fully engage with their working environment. Connect with Lindsey by email: lindsey.kirschman@utah.edu and Instagram: @authentically_strong | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs and LinkedIn: @ericmcmahoncscs Get involved with the NSCA! Don’t miss your chance to give back and fast-track your growth with volunteer roles. Many applications close December 15 — apply now at NSCA.com/Volunteer.

Coaches Professional Development

Nicole Rodriguez | Building Strength Beyond Borders


Nicole Rodriguez always knew she wanted to pursue strength and conditioning, but the extent of her journey — spanning 44 countries and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games — is nothing short of inspiring. During her time at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning, Rodriguez recognized the value of experience and environment, later joining the EXOS International Program to coach globally. Eager to test her skills and help standardize coaching education, she sought out developing countries to advance their sport infrastructure. Rodriguez outlines key differences between U.S. and European approaches: while the U.S. excels in strength methodology, Europe enhances sport-specific application through tactical periodization. Additionally, she highlights Europe’s emphasis on rehabilitation and an “inverse relationship” between time in the weight room versus pitch-side with sport coaches. Rodriguez also describes her work with Poland’s Ministry of Sport and Tourism to pursue NSCA Global Chapter status, aligning with her passion for improving strength and conditioning education and implementation worldwide. Connect with Nicole by email: nicole@coachnicolerodriguez.com and online at: coachnicolerodriguez.com | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs and LinkedIn: @ericmcmahoncscs Learn more about NSCA international programs mentioned in the episode at NSCA.com/Global.

Coaches Professional Development

Suggested Strategies for Developing and Retaining Fire Fitness Trainers

April 1, 2016

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This article provides a list of items that affect the ability to develop and retain quality fire fitness trainers and provides possible solutions to common challenges for program managers that make decisions for a facility or agency.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design firefighter workout programs workouts for firefighters firefighter workout Training for firefighters TSAC

Establishing Confidence and Buy-In Into – A New Performance Program in Non-Traditional Settings

March 29, 2024

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This article is a personal perspective that focuses on methods that can be used to establish confidence in the performance program in non-traditional environments.

Coaches Program design Professional Development Buy-In Success Programming Confidence Leadership

RSCC: The Badge of Credibility in Professional Sports


If you want to manage the performance of assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars, you better know what you’re doing. At the elite and professional levels of sport, strength and conditioning coaches are responsible for managing the performance of teams’ most valuable assets – The Athletes.

RSCC Designation


The NSCAs Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach® (RSCC) is a designation that signifies that a CSCS®  certified coach has demonstrated experience and knowledge in their field. RSCC coaches apply foundational knowledge to assess, motivate, educate, and train athletes for the primary goal of improving sport performance.

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