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(18 found)

Resistance Training for the Older Adult – Progressions to Achieve an Overhead Press

February 4, 2022


This purpose of this article is to supply personal trainers with resistance training techniques, progressions, and cues that can assist their clients in overcoming sarcopenia and to eventually press to the overhead position pain free and with confidence.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Sarcopenia Overhead Press Older Adult Retraction Posterior Chain

Fish Oil Supplementation and Age-Related Decrements in Muscle Mass and Function

March 1, 2013

Article Members Only

Emerging evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may play a beneficial role in preservation of, and increases in, skeletal muscle mass. This is of particular relevance to the elderly who display age-related declines in muscle mass and function.

Personal trainers Nutrition sports nutrition omega-3 fatty acids

Sarcopenia and Aging

Quiz CATD 0.2

From the 2022 Personal Trainer Virtual Conference, Robert Linkul outlines the devastating effects of sarcopenia and how detrimental it is to the aging body. He offers guidance about programming that will specifically assist older adults in gaining or maintaining muscle mass as they age, and highlight the most effective and efficient resistance training exercises that will help older adults get strong quickly.

Implementing Ruck Training (Loaded Walking) with the Aging Adult

May 13, 2022

Article Members Only

The following article provides a simple guide to ruck training for the aging population.

Personal trainers Program design Ruck Sarcopenia Osteopenia Bone Density Loaded Carry

Resistance Training Progressions for the Older Adult – Deadlifts

November 12, 2021


This article details the proper pick up, or deadlift, technique for the older adult, including progressions of three exercises that can aid in their ability to perform them properly.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Older Adult Resistance Training Deadlift Sarcopenia

Resistance Training Progressions for the Older Adult – Pulls and Rows

February 3, 2023


This article provides four exercises that are specifically designed to assist in building efficient posterior chain strength that can ultimately improve quality of life, ability, and performance for the older adult.

Personal trainers Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Sarcopenia Posterior Chain Older Adult Kyphosis Row

Program Design Considerations for Seniors Who Use a Walker

May 31, 2024

Article Members Only

This article will present exercise programming considerations for seniors who use a walker and provide an example client profile to demonstrate how these considerations can be applied to clients using a walker.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Senior Citizen Sarcopenia Osteopenia Balance Dynapenia Seniors Elderly Special Populations

Resistance Training for Older Adults


The benefits of resistance training are almost overwhelming, however, too few older adults participate in resistance training, largely because of fear, confusion, and lack of consensus to guide implementation. It is the hope that this position statement may have a positive impact addressing these issues and on empowering healthier aging.

What is a Special Population?


Introducing the National Strength and Conditioning Association's new Certified Special Population Specialist (CSPS) credential, established in 2012 to address the fitness needs of individuals afflicted by chronic or temporary health conditions.

Resistance Training for the Older Client – Should They Press, Squat, and Deadlift?

April 30, 2021

Article Members Only

This article discusses the importance of resistance training for older adults and considerations that personal trainers need to be aware of when working with this population.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Older Adult Resistance Training Activities of Daily Living Personal Trainer

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