The Physical Readiness Training Manual includes many exercises intended to keep military personnel in optimal physical condition while staying at a low risk to injury. Additionally, the application of progressive overload may be beneficial to periodization programming in ROTC cadet preparation for the Army Physical Fitness Test.
The purpose of this article is to discuss relationships between current fitness testing within the United States Army and its effect on overall tactical readiness.
TSAC FacilitatorsTesting and EvaluationArmy Combat Fitness TestMilitaryTacticalFoot March
Soldiers in today’s Army should be exposed to realistic and stressful training scenarios. Additionally, they should be educated on the physical, psychological, and cognitive effects of combat and fatigue. Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (AROTC) cadets are an ideal training audience since they are already immersed in an academic environment.
TSAC FacilitatorsProgram designProfessional DevelopmentROTCTactical AthleteMilitary TrainingCadet Training
Collecting data can be trial and error, but by building a solid foundation prior to data collection and putting the appropriate people and procedures in place, the tactical facilitator can minimize errors while optimizing effort, money, and time.
This article is part of a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.
TSAC FacilitatorsExercise ScienceProgram designTesting and EvaluationClient Consultation|AssessmentSafetyEmergency ProceduresLegal IssuesBasic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or DiseaseProfessional DevelopmentFirefightersLaw EnforcementROTC CadetsRuck MarchSkeletal Muscle
This article is part of a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.
HRV is thought to provide objective insight into understanding fatigue, “trainability,” and “readiness” to perform in athletic populations. Evolving access to HRV data may enhance the understanding of individualized fitness and training responses in tactical athletes.
TSAC FacilitatorsProgram designBasic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or DiseasehrvMonitoring FitnessTraining LoadTactical AthleteTSAC
From the NSCA’s 2019 Tactical Annual Training, Nathan Dicks explains the Critical Speed Concept. He presents the normative data, parameters for tactical professionals, and how it can be modeled with load carriage for use in prescribing high-intensity interval training.
TSAC FacilitatorsProgram designTesting and EvaluationLoad CarriageTSAC-FFirefightersROTCSoldiersPolice3MT Test
This article explores the concept of how lifestyle behaviors encouraged at the high school-level could affect fitness during adulthood, with a focus on both sport and strength and conditioning participation.