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(197 found)

Develop the Basic Movement Patterns before Training for Specificity

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

Instead of tactical athletes initially focusing on training programs that address specific aspects, training programs should emphasize proper movement patterns as a foundation before progressing.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Training for movement patterns exercise program design TSAC

Programming Essential Movement Patterns

October 30, 2015


Robert dos Remedios identifies essential movement patterns and describes multiple exercises for each movement category in this session from the 2015 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference. Learn program designs that are effective, efficient, and balanced in nature, as well as how to improve your coaching and cueing abilities.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design coaching cues Turkish get-up exercise selections

Bodyweight Progression to the One-Arm Push-Up

October 29, 2016

Video Members Only

Learn to identify and understand the key factors of movement competency and skill acquisition, and how to develop an effective motor learning process using foundational movement patterns. In this session from the NSCA’s 2016 Personal Trainers Conference, Joe Sansalone explains how improving motor control and foundational movement patterns leads to optimal one-arm push-up skill acquisition.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design progressions bodyweight exercise strength and conditioning push-up

Progressive Strategies for Teaching Fundamental Resistance Training Movement Patterns

August 4, 2023


This article provides the personal trainer with sample exercise progressions for teaching resistance training movement patterns along with practical strategies for instruction and reinforcement of proper technique.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Fundamentals Squat Hinge Movement Patterns Resistance Training

Classifying Movements

January 7, 2022


This brief excerpt breaks down agility into different target movement patterns to help develop an effective agility and quickness program.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Agility Change of Direction Acceleration Deceleration Transition Initiation

Programming the General Population for Optimal Fitness—10 Important Movement Patterns

November 26, 2018

Article Members Only

Developing a program for a general population client requires understanding their movement needs. Expand your training programs by implementing all ten of the major human movement patterns.

Personal trainers Program design Movement Pattern General Population Fitness Programming

The FMS Hurdle Step

January 5, 2024


The second in a planned series to review essential considerations of each Functional Movement Screen (FMS) pattern, this article will examine the FMS hurdle step pattern in finer detail.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment FMS Hurdle Step Movement Screen Client Assessment

The Movement Perfection Process

July 31, 2014


According to Shawn Myszka, if we optimize on-field movement efficiency, we can maximize athletic performance. Shawn spoke during the NSCA's 2014 National Conference on the importance of mastering the fundamentals of movement. Don't just work to change strength characteristics, he says - change behavior because behavior becomes patterns.

Coaches Exercise Science Professional Development Athletic performance Fundamental Movements Movement Efficiency Change Behavior Behavior Patterns

Typical Starting Patterns

September 18, 2020


This excerpt from Developing Speed discusses the various start patterns that exist and how to include them in a speed development program.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Speed Stance Acceleration Direction Transition Static Start Rolling Start

Integrating Motor Patterns into Exercise for Performance and Prevention

November 1, 2014


In this session from the 2014 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference, Barton Bishop explains how to utilize the body’s natural way of learning movement. This will help athletes become more efficient at movement for improvements in exercise and athletic performance, and help in preventing future injuries.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design athlete monitoring strength and conditioning Injury Prevention Movement Efficiency Athletic Performance

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