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(366 found)

Six Essentials to Safe Participation

May 1, 2017


Hydration, footwear, and exercise frequency are only a few of the essentials to safe participation in cardiovascular activity. Make sure to include all six essentials in your program to ensure safe participation.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Safety Hydration Warm-Up Cool-Down Breathing Exercise Frequency Clothing Footwear

Integration of Endurance Resistance Training

May 1, 2017


When integrating resistance training, endurance athletes must ensure that the sessions or workouts are sequenced in the context of the overall workload. Giving careful thought to these factors when designing the training plan will increase the chances of success.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design endurance training strength training weight training

Oxygen Uptake and the Aerobic and Anaerobic Contributions to Exercise

June 1, 2017


Oxygen uptake (or consumption) is a measure of a person’s ability to take in oxygen and deliver it to the working tissues, and the ability of working tissues to use oxygen. During low-intensity exercise with a constant power output, oxygen uptake increases for the first few minutes until a steady state of uptake is reached.

Coaches Exercise Science oxygen uptake oxygen consumption aerobic exercise anaerobic exercise EPOC

Time Course of Physiological and Anatomical Changes

April 3, 2020


This excerpt from NSCA’s Essential of Tactical Strength and Conditioning explores the neural and muscular adaptations to training over time.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Neural Adaptations Peripheral Adaptations Skeletal Muscle Training Intensity

Reconditioning from Sedentariness

July 29, 2019

Article Members Only

With the rapid development of technology, the daily demands for physical activity are significantly reduced. This article details four distinct phases for personal trainers to implement when working with clients coming from sedentary lifestyles.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Lifestyle Change Sedentary Client Non-Exercise-Based Physical Activity

Comparing Metabolic Rate Measurement Methods

May 1, 2017


Although accelerometers, pedometers, heart rate monitors, and questionnaires are not as accurate as direct and indirect calorimetry in determining metabolic rate, these less expensive tools can be used to create exercise plans, particularly those focused on health promotion and fitness.

Personal trainers Client Consultation|Assessment metabolism metabolic rate fitness health and wellness

Accounting for Mental and Physical Stress in the Law Enforcement Physical Training Schedule

April 1, 2015

Article Members Only

Job descriptions, schedules, personal responsibilities, and physical training experience are all factors that should be taken into account when designing a unique and specialized training program for tactical athletes.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease handling stress physical stress Training program design

Effects and Implementation of Exercise during Pregnancy

April 16, 2021

Article Members Only

This article will briefly discuss physiological and psychological adaptations, as well as review general guidelines for beginning aerobic and resistance training exercise during pregnancy.

Personal trainers Program design Pregnancy Posture Pelvic Floor Musculature Abdominal Pressure

Repeated Sprint Ability: Bridging the Gap between Science and Application

December 1, 2016


Repeated sprint ability (RSA) may be one of the most important factors to consider when developing strength and conditioning programs for high-intensity repeated sprint sports. In this session from the NSCA’s 2016 Coaches Conference, Ernie Rimer reviews the latest science behind RSA, compares the pros and cons of RSA protocols performed in the laboratory and in the field, and suggests methods to improve RSA.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Strength and Power Conditioning Speed and Agility RSA Repeated Sprint Ability

Optimizing Performance – Strategic Approaches to Nutrition for Soccer Players

September 6, 2024


The purpose of this article is to emphasize the critical need for a nutrition strategy that aligns with the specific demands inherent in the sport of soccer.

Coaches Nutrition Soccer Nutrition Protein Hydration Carbohydrates Supplements Fats

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