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(176 found)

Readership Survey Results


Readership Survey Results

Practical Methods for the Strength and Conditioning Coach to Develop Student-Athlete Leadership—Part II

June 1, 2017


This article is the second part of a two-part series that considers the potential role strength and conditioning coaches have in developing student-athlete leadership.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development NSCA Coach leadership role model

Sleep Health in High Performance Populations—Considerations to Optimize Athletic Potential

May 6, 2022


This article aims to provide a good understanding of sleep health and the way it affects high performance populations.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Sleep High Performance Sleep Hygiene Sleep Measurement

Progressive Strategies for Teaching Fundamental Resistance Training Movement Patterns

August 4, 2023


This article provides the personal trainer with sample exercise progressions for teaching resistance training movement patterns along with practical strategies for instruction and reinforcement of proper technique.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Fundamentals Squat Hinge Movement Patterns Resistance Training

The Benefits of Exercise for Adolescents with ADHD and Practical Recommendation for the High School Strength and Conditioning Coach

September 29, 2023

Article Members Only

This article highlights the benefits of exercise for adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It also provides practical recommendations for high school strength and conditioning coaches working with ADHD student-athletes.

Coaches Program design

Biofeedback for Strength and Conditioning Performance

July 1, 2014

Article Members Only

Biofeedback is a tool that not everyone knows about, yet many coaches and athletes could benefit from using it. This article will describe the psychophysiological principle, introduce biofeedback, and provide descriptions of two biofeedback modalities that may be useful for strength and conditioning professionals to improve performance.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design strength and conditioning strength training biofeedback

Establishing Confidence and Buy-In Into – A New Performance Program in Non-Traditional Settings

March 29, 2024

Article Members Only

This article is a personal perspective that focuses on methods that can be used to establish confidence in the performance program in non-traditional environments.

Coaches Program design Professional Development Buy-In Success Programming Confidence Leadership

Suggested Strategies for Developing and Retaining Fire Fitness Trainers

April 1, 2016

Article Members Only

This article provides a list of items that affect the ability to develop and retain quality fire fitness trainers and provides possible solutions to common challenges for program managers that make decisions for a facility or agency.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design firefighter workout programs workouts for firefighters firefighter workout Training for firefighters TSAC

Coaching Lifts course for high school strength coaches


[High School Athletic Directors] Help your coaches gain the skills they need to safely and confidently teach complex lifts to student-athletes with this 1-day course. Skilled coaches are a key to a safe weight room, happy parents, and improved sports performance.

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