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Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 12:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.

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(282 found)

Exam Preparation


The NSCA certification exams are based on the analysis of tasks needed to be competent in a specified job or role. The exams measure a candidate’s knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) compared to a predetermined level of competence. It is not a test that recalls information from a textbook like a college course. Before you start preparing ensure you have chosen the right certification for you.

Case Study: Should your high school have a CSCS on staff?


High school administrator discusses the considerations for athletes, non-athletes, faculty and the school budget.

Practical Exercise Programming for Wildland Fire Suppression Aids

November 15, 2019

Article Members Only

This article discusses flexible programming strategies for wildland fire suppression aids (FSAs). It also includes a detailed index of exercises that could be utilized for this specific population.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Wildland Fire Suppression Aids RPE Scale Programming Undulated Training Program

Leadership and Diversity Training Program

Leadership and Diversity Training Program Overview. The purpose of the NSCA Leadership and Diversity Training Program is to prepare and position students and professional members from underrepresented groups for participation in NSCA volunteer activities that will lead to increased retention, service and leadership opportunities.

Occupational Physical Fitness Tests for Police Officers—A Narrative Review

January 8, 2019

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Occupational police tests described in the literature can serve as indicators of the occupational performance of their employees. In addition, practitioners in charge of police training should develop and employ obstacle courses composed of critical work tasks, as they may be strongly related to tests of aerobic endurance, strength, muscular endurance, and agility.

TSAC Facilitators Testing and Evaluation TSAC Tactical Training Police Testing Occupational Fitness Test

Employee or Independent Contractor? Guidelines for Classifying Workers

November 27, 2020

Article Members Only

Some positions within the fitness industry can be tricky to classify. This article helps businesses decipher the difference between a hired employee and an independent contracted position.

Personal trainers Legal Issues Professional Development Independent Contractor Employees Taxes Audits

Roles of Athletic Trainers and Strength and Conditioning Coaches

May 4, 2015

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Two of the key people that an injured athlete will communicate with are the strength and conditioning coach and the athletic trainer. This article examines the roles of these two professionals in directing an athlete from an injury through the complete rehabilitation program and back to full participation in their sport.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration Athletic Trainer Strength and Conditioning Coach Role of Athletic Trainer Strength Coach hs-coaching

The Metabolic “Pink Taxing” of Fitness Standards for Female Service Members

May 3, 2024


This article will explore the concept of “pink taxing,” whereby females must expend more metabolic energy compared to their male counterparts to achieve the same scores in standard military fitness tests.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design ACFT Metabolic Soldiers Sprint Drag Carry Fitness Standards

Philosophy in Strength and Conditioning—Clarifying Coaching and Training Philosophy

May 29, 2017

Article Members Only

Once strength and conditioning coaches have a better understanding of some of the differences between coaching and training philosophy, they can build their coaching philosophy and ensure it is a combination of both the “why” and “how.”

Coaches Program design Professional Development Coaching Philosophy Training Philosophy Strength and Conditioning Coach

Whole Food, Plant-Based Diets

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

By following the guidelines of the American Dietetic Association, a vegan or whole food, plant-based diet can be a viable option for athletes as well as non-athletes to maintain health, support athletic performance, and positively impact the environment.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition PTQ vegan whole food diet

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