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(37 found)

Bridge: Appropriate Squat Progress for the Everyday Athlete, with Mandy Nice

January 22, 2019


The squat is one of the most essential movements in life and performance. In this Bridge video, Mandy Nice goes over the proper progressions for individuals to successfully and safely perform the squat.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Squat Technique Squat Progression Mandy Nice

Bridge: ACL Injury Prevention Strategies, with Loren Landow

February 4, 2019


In this Bridge video, Loren Landow, from Landow Performance, demonstrates exercises and techniques of various plyometric movements for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) strength and injury prevention.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design ACL Return to Sport Injury Prevention Plyometrics Loren Landow

Bridge: The Pull-Up – Technique and Variations

May 1, 2015


This video demonstrates some of the basic technique and variations of the pull-up.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique exercise technique pull-up how to do a pull-up hs-coaching

Bridge: Core Training Progressions, with Loren Landow

May 1, 2015


Loren Landow shows some progressions for core training movements that he uses with his athletes.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design core training exercise progressions strength training strength and conditioning

Bridge: Rotational Training, with Joel Raether

May 1, 2015


Joel Raether, owner of Authentic Performance in Denver, CO, discusses rotational training and shows his system for progressing rotational movements.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique strength and conditioning rotational training

Bridge: Coaching Acceleration, with Loren Landow

May 30, 2016


Loren Landow, owner of Landow Performance in Denver, CO, shows some example progressions and cues for sprint mechanics.

Coaches Exercise Technique acceleration speed training strength and conditioning

Bridge: Core Training, with Joe Drake

May 1, 2015


Joe Drake, owner of Gravity and Oxygen Fitness, discusses his philosophy on training the core and provides some examples.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design core core training strength and conditioning

Bridge: The Role of Kettlebells in Strength and Conditioning

May 1, 2015


This video demonstrates reasons to consider implementation of kettlebells into a strength and conditioning program.

Coaches Exercise Technique Exercise technique kettlebell swing kettlebells

Bridge: Snatch Balance Progression Assessment and Mobility Correction for Athletes, with Matthew Delancy

June 10, 2019


Matt Delancy, Strength Coach for the University of Florida, coaches mobility progress from a snatch balance assessment.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Technique Snatch Progression Mobility

Bridge: Modifying the Sled Push for Tactical Athletes, with Steve Morgan

March 18, 2019


Steve Morgan, Tactical Strength Coach with the US Army, explains modifications to the sled push for tactical populations.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Sled Push Tactical TSAC-F Exercise Modification

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