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(465 found)

Training the Older Adult

May 14, 2021

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Hayley Legg, the NSCA Provincial Director for Saskatoon and senior lecturer at St. Mary’s University in London, presents on training the older adult. This includes considerations during the aging process, training implications across the spectrum, and the role of the strength and conditioning practitioner.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Injury Prevention Independence Osteoporosis Osteopenia Sarcopenia Postural Control

Beyond Sets and Reps: Creating, Mastering, and Evaluating Your Coaching Behaviors

May 7, 2021

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From the virtual 2021 NSCA Coaches Conference, Mary Kate Feit, Assistant Professor of Strength and Conditioning at Springfield College, goes beyond the sets and reps of strength and conditioning and focuses on how to reflect inward to evaluate and maximize coaching behaviors.

Coaches Professional Development Coaching Behaviors Cues Communication Evaluation Professional Development

Performance Considerations for the UFC Fighter during Fight Camp

April 30, 2021


Matt Crawley, Strength and Conditioning Coach and Internship Coordinator for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Performance Institute, discusses performance considerations around testing and programming for UFC fighters, as well as the role of the strength and conditioning coach within the interdisciplinary team.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Client Consultation|Assessment UFC Performance Consultation Weight Class Energy Systems Fighting

Revisiting the Vertical Jump: Managing the Relationship between Power and Skill

April 2, 2021

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From the 2021 NSCA Coaches Conference, the University of Indiana, Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach, William Alli, provides his approach to the relationship between power and skill to help coaches understand the nuances in their athletes and how they can better communicate with them to achieve their performance goals.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Vertical Jump KPI Power Speed Velocity Counter Movement Jump

Cultural Awareness for Strength and Conditioning Coaches

March 19, 2021


From the virtual 2021 NSCA Coaches Conference, Dan Jahn, Owner of Maximum Sports Conditioning, discusses important language, tools, and strategies for coaches to become more culturally competent. He shares a variety of perspectives and influences on weight room and team culture, and how to appropriately respond in certain scenarios around race.

Coaches Professional Development Race Cultural Awareness Culture Implicit Bias

Tactical Solutions Roundtable Session – Preparing National Guard and Reserve Soldiers for the Army Combat Fitness Test

February 26, 2021

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From the virtual 2021 NSCA Coaches Conference, human performance specialists from the O2X Human Performance network discuss the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), including what it entails, how strength coaches can best prepare individuals for it, and the nutritional and mental demands of training for the test.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Nutrition Program design Testing and Evaluation Army Combat Fitness Test National Guard Soldiers

Socioeconomics in Strength and Conditioning: A Progressive Approach

February 12, 2021


From the 2020 NSCA Delaware State Clinic, Gordon Jeter and Terique Boyd discuss socioeconomics and how it ties into social issues within the field of strength and conditioning. They also provide actionable pathways for coaches to address these issues and expand the scope of available resources to help provide better educational and occupational opportunities.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Professional Development Socioeconomics Diversity and Inclusion Implicit Bias Mentors

Safe Return to Sport – Evaluation and Mitigating in an Unprecedented Time

January 29, 2021

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From the NSCA 2020 Texas Virtual State Clinic, Erik Korem, Senior Associate Athletic Director for Student-Athlete High Performance at the College of William & Mary, discusses these unprecedented times and safe ways to reintroduce athletes back to full competition.

Coaches Program design Acclimatization Pandemic Volume Intensity Heat Illness

Child’s Play: FUNdamental Warm-Up Games for All Sports

January 8, 2021


From the 2020 NSCA Coaches Conference, Ashley Jones, Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Houston SaberCats Major League Rugby team, presents a high-energy hands-on presentation highlighting fun warm-up games coaches can implement with their athletes.

Coaches Program design Warm-up Games Fundamentals Increase Blood Flow Increase Body Temperature hs-coaching

How to Integrate the Use of Data into Your Overall Performance Strategy

December 11, 2020

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From the 2020 NSCA Coaches Conference, Brian Buck, Director of Sports, and Bryce Patterson, Director of Education at Sparta Science, discuss how to understand data, create a repeatable and scalable system to address goals, and create a feedback loop to assess the effectiveness of a program.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Data Relative Strength Testing Intent Load Impulse Feedback

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