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Organization And Administration

(167 found)

Generate Additional Personal Income with Small, Private, Team Training

February 25, 2019

Video Members Only

In this 2018 National Conference Video Bill Parisi describes the opportunity in youth sport development, as well as how to expand your personal business and revenue in a fast growing market.

Personal trainers Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development Youth Sports Private Business Youth Sports Organization Bill Parisi

Building Injury Free Tactical Athletes: A Repeatable Model for Police Academy

February 11, 2019

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This 2018 TSAC Annual Training video features Charles Kornhauser and Ryan Holmes discussing their experience in identifying the challenges in physical training for police recruits, and their development of programs based on task analysis and injury prevention for individuals in the academy.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Organization and Administration Tactical Police Injury Prevention Police Academy Strength Training

Positive Youth Development through Strength and Conditioning

February 4, 2019

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In this session from the NSCA’s 2018 Coaches Conference, Maura Bergan explores how strength and conditioning and the weight room can help educate young individuals in more areas than just athletic development, and how it can foster and create many positive life lessons.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration Professional Development Youth Training Youth Development Strength and Conditioning LTAD hs-coaching

Developing USMC Force Fitness Program: Improving Tactical Athletes and Preventing Injury

January 28, 2019

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In this 2018 TSAC Annual Training video, Jay Sedory and Arron Prowett discuss the development of the Force Fitness Program used to create and advance the understanding of physical, mental, and spiritual wellness in order to prepare a well-rounded soldier for combat.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Organization and Administration Testing and Evaluation TSAC Soldier Readiness Tactical Population Force Fitness Program

Staying Relevant and Impactful with Youth Athletics

January 8, 2019

Video Members Only

A strength and conditioning coach has the ultimate platform to communicate many lessons that can impact the life of youth athletes. In this 2018 Coaches Conference video, Vernon Griffith goes over how to impact youth athletes in more than just weightlifting, and how to be the coach that they need.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development Youth Coaching Youth Athlete LTAD hs-coaching

Supporting the Winter Sport Athlete from Talent I.D to Olympic Podium

December 17, 2018


This 2018 National Conference video features Scott Riewald in an overview of the 2018 USA Winter Olympic team and discusses how sport science support contributes to elite athlete performance. As well as the training, preparation, and expanding talent identification initiatives to influence performance for the Olympic Games.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration Olympic Games Winter Sports Winter Olympics Sports Science

The Evolved Personal Trainer: Bridging the Gap Between Fitness

March 25, 2013


Phil Kaplan spoke at the NSCAs 2012 Personal Trainer Conference about how personal trainers can really be the link between fitness and medicine.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Organization and Administration Professional Development Personal Trainer Fitness Fitness Industry Medicine

The 10-Hour Day

January 28, 2013


Perry Castellano, CSCS, RSCC*D, spoke at the NSCAs 2013 Coaches Conference about the 10-hour day, providing reviews and excerpts from Vern Gambettas article,Strength by Design,originally published in Training Conditioning.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development MLB Proggraming periodization Vern Gambetta

Long-Term Athlete Development

June 30, 2014


In this video from the NSCA's 2013 National Conference, Dr. Rhodri Lloyd, Senior Lecturer in Physiology and Health at Cardiff Metropolitan University, talks about planning for long-term athletic development.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Organization and Administration LTAD long-term long term athletic development training athletes

Citadel Football Strength and Conditioning

September 15, 2014


In this video from the NSCA's 2014 Coaches Conference, Coach Donnell Boucher, CSCS, talks about training strength and conditioning at the Citadel Military College of South Carolina, and shares practical information that can be implemented at any school, in any environment.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development citadel strength Football Strength and Conditioning College Strength and Conditioning

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