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Exercise Technique

(360 found)

Introduction to Dynamic Warm-Up

June 1, 2017


Interest is growing in warm-up procedures that involve dynamic activities and sport-specific movements that maximize active ranges of motion at different movement-specific speeds while preparing the body for the demands of sport training and competition.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique warm-up dynamic warm-up strength and conditioning

Factors Determining Agility: Speed

June 1, 2017


Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity, so this phase of sprinting is critical for changing directions as rapidly and efficiently as possible. Optimal technique for linear sprinting in the acceleration phase involves four factors that maximize stride length and frequency.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique speed agility strength and conditioning

High Knee Drills

June 1, 2017


High knee drills help develop coordinated front-side mechanics and are often used as part of a warm-up. This article details several high knee drills that you can use with your athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique high knee drills

Multi-Joint Training versus Isolated Training for Core Development

June 1, 2017


Ground-based free weight lifts, especially the explosive Olympic-style lifts, are highly recommended for athletic conditioning for the core muscles. They can provide a moderately unstable stimulus to augment activation of the core and limb muscles, while still providing maximal or near maximal strength, velocity, and power output.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique core training olympic lifts isolated training multijoint exercises

Two-Arm Kettlebell Swing

May 1, 2017


Read a step-by-step description of how to perform the two-arm kettlebell swing, in this exclusive excerpt from the book Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training-3rd Edition With Online Video, published by Human Kinetics.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique kettlebell kettlebell swing kettlebell training two-arm kettlebell swing strength training

Sprinting in Field and Court Sports

May 1, 2017


Athletes in field and court sports require reactive agility—they must accelerate, decelerate, and change direction in a constantly changing environment. These requirements result in technical differences between sprinting in a field or court sport and sprinting the 100-m.

Coaches Exercise Technique speed development sprinting sprinting for soccer sprinting intervals sprinting for basketball

Power Snatch

May 1, 2017


This book excerpt provides a step-by-step breakdown of the movements of the power snatch, from the starting position to the downward movement.

Coaches Exercise Technique power snatch snatch exercise weight training strength training strength and conditioning exercises

Movement Analysis and Biomechanics for Endurance Sports

May 1, 2017


Endurance sports are typically not thought of as highly technical endeavors, but proper movement during training and competition for endurance sports can affect both performance and health.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Movement analysis gait analysis sports performance analysis muscular endurance exercises marathon running

Core Exercises Unique to Swimming

May 1, 2017


Exercises performed in the water that improve swimming skills and simultaneously work the core can be beneficial for swimmers. One particularly useful core exercise that is specifically designed for swimmers is a kickboard progression, such as the one described in this article.

Coaches Exercise Technique swimming swim training core training core exercises strength and conditioning

Benefits of Flexibility Training

May 1, 2017


Flexibility training is important because of the role that flexibility plays in improving movement performance and reducing the opportunity for injury. Learn more about the role of flexibility training in this exclusive excerpt from the book NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training, Second Edition, published by Human Kinetics.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique flexibility flexibility training personal training NSCA-CPT

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