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(659 found)

Considering the Mental Health of Athletes

February 19, 2021


The purpose of this article is to explore some phrases that strength and conditioning coaches may hear or behaviors they may witness, and provide some direction to identify which allied healthcare and performance professionals may need to get involved to best help the strength and conditioning coach and athlete elevate their performance.

Coaches Exercise Science Professional Development Mental Health Pandemic Relationships Psychology

Soldier Musculoskeletal Injuries, Risk Factors, and Recommendations

August 5, 2019

Article Members Only

Soldiers must be physically prepared to meet a broad range of challenges. This article is designed to help identify risks and discuss recommended strategies to implement in order to minimize those injury risks at the company, commander, and soldier level.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Organization and Administration Risk Factor Return to Duty Physical Readiness Training Musculoskeletal Injuries

The Development of Strength and Conditioning within Domestic Cricket in Pakistan—A Personal Perspective

This is my story of how a strength and conditioning coach influenced not only one of Pakistan’s up and coming cricket team’s approach to fitness and lifestyle, but also that of the wider community.

Coaches Program design NSCA Coach Cricket pakistan community wellness strength and conditioning

Prescription Exercise Programming in Preparation for the Army Combat Fitness Test

February 24, 2023

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This article discusses the importance and impact a qualified fitness professional on the fitness and readiness of soldiers for the United States Army.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Army Army Combat Fitness Test Soldiers Fitness

Concurrent Cognitive and Physical Fitness Training – Part Two

March 29, 2024

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This article builds upon a previous article on the potential benefits personal trainers can offer clients by combining both cognitive and physical training.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Professional Development

Special Interest Groups


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Strength Training Practices for Rowing – Part 3 – Conditioning Training

September 11, 2020

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This is the third and final article of a series on strength training practices for rowing and will focus on the energy systems development of rowing athletes.

Coaches Program design Rowing Energy Systems Development Heart Rate Breathing Strategies

The Tribe Mindset – Developing a Meaningful Team Culture

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The purpose of this article is to highlight some practical methods to develop a collectivist mindset that is unified around core team values. This article also covers how to translate those theoretical constructs into actionable development of a meaningful team culture.

Coaches Professional Development Relationships Purpose Lead by Example Consistency

Measurement and Evaluation in a Microdosed Training Program

January 6, 2023

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This article seeks to provide insight on a training method based around prescribing small amounts of training to achieve a large amount of physical improvements.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Needs Analysis Testing Basketball

Circuit Strength Training with Ability-Based Modifications for Law Enforcement Recruits

March 4, 2019

Article Members Only

Circuit training is quick and effective way to induce training adaptations that are similar to the demands that tactical officers face in their career. This is a basic layout of a circuit training program that can be implemented to recruits during training to prepare them for the physical demands they will face.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design Tactical Circuit Training Training Recruits

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