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(659 found)

Roles of Athletic Trainers and Strength and Conditioning Coaches

May 4, 2015

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Two of the key people that an injured athlete will communicate with are the strength and conditioning coach and the athletic trainer. This article examines the roles of these two professionals in directing an athlete from an injury through the complete rehabilitation program and back to full participation in their sport.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration Athletic Trainer Strength and Conditioning Coach Role of Athletic Trainer Strength Coach hs-coaching

Developing Mental Skills in Athletes

August 24, 2018

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Strength and conditioning professionals should consider mental skills training when creating a training program to maximize performance. Developing mental skills is a very long and challenging process; however, the benefits are worth it. Utilizing these skills will put the athlete in a position to succeed in sport, as well as life.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Developing Mental Skills Mental Skills Training Mental Skills in Youth Training hs-coaching

The Importance of Proper Movement for Marines - Part 3: Evidence-Based Movement Assessment

June 1, 2016

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An evidence-based movement assessment could hold Marines accountable for mobility and stability by systematically assessing movement patterns. This article (part three of a four-part series) explains one way that this could be accomplished.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design fitness for Marines movement assessment FMS

TSAC Research Review, TSAC Report 41

June 1, 2016

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This article is the sixth in a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design job task analysis FMS functional movement screen Load carriage tactical strength and conditioning TSAC exercise

TSAC Research Review, Issue 39

April 1, 2016

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This article is the fourth of a continuing series that examines pertinent and recent tactical strength and conditioning research reviews.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design fatigue firefighter fitness TSAC wellness for firefighters wellness programs Soldier load carriage

Practical Application for Long-Term Athletic Development

May 28, 2012


Learn about the framework for practical, functional, and sequential skill development for a “best practices” model. This model is designed to develop a movement vocabulary, physical literacy, and movement skills for improved athleticism.

Coaches Exercise Science athletic long-term youth skill development movement movement skills athleticism physical literacy skill building

Ice Hockey – In-Season Strength and Conditioning Considerations

June 30, 2023

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This article provides some practical applications to minimize the negative effects associated with a long intensive ice hockey season on ice hockey athletes.

Coaches Program design Ice Hockey Travel Fatigue Fitness

Strength and Conditioning for Golf – A Framework for the Higher Handicap Player

October 13, 2023

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This article discusses components of a comprehensive pre-design process that aims to help coaches build an effective golf training program.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Golf Swing Leg Power Endurance Explosive Power

Aerobic Endurance Training Strategies

May 1, 2017


Various aspects of resistance training, such as specific exercises chosen, workout structure, resistance used, volume (repetitions and sets), rest intervals between sets, and training frequency, can be manipulated to mold the strength training program to best meet an endurance athlete’s goals.

Coaches Program design coaching attentional styles attentional focus sport psychology strength and conditioning

Monitoring Training Load in American Football

February 4, 2019

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Monitoring training load is essential for determining if athletes are adapting positively or negatively to their training program. This article goes over the various measurement metrics and includes recommendations to monitor training load for football athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Athlete Monitoring Metrics GPS Training Load Football

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