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(659 found)

2018 Coach of the Year Awards


Colorado Springs, CO – Strength and conditioning coaches from across the nation will converge at the NSCA’s Coaches Conference on January 4, 2018 in Charlotte, NC to discover cutting-edge research and practical applications in strength and conditioning, presented by the industry’s most elite and respected experts.

Professional Development Groups


Grow as a professional and connect with peers by engaging in one or more NSCA Professional Development Groups. Discover resources, share your knowledge and get your questions answered. To join, please visit each group’s corresponding Facebook group and request to join. You may also update your preferences on your Account page.

NSCA Announces 2022 RSCCE


The NSCA is proud to name 30 new strength and conditioning coaches who have obtained the prestigious Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach® Emeritus (RSCC*E) designation in 2022, growing this exclusive group to a total of 213 coaches.

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 7: Elton Crochran


Learn about middle school and high school strength and conditioning from 2022 NSCA Coaches Conference presenter Elton Crochran. Coach “Croc” shares his story about transitioning from collegiate strength and conditioning to his work as the Strength and Conditioning Coordinator at Randolph Field School District in San Antonio, TX. Crochran is currently the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Veterans Memorial High School. He talks about his hands-on coaching session from Coaches Conference, as well as developmental milestones across key stages of long-term athlete development. Find “Coach Croc” on Instagram: @ecrock2 or Twitter: @TheCrocShow| Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development hs-coaching

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 52: Caitlin Quinn


Caitlin Quinn, Director of Performance for Toyota Racing Development talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about her start in the field of strength and conditioning with internships, her time at Florida State as a GA and Strength and Conditioning Coach, and her new position at Toyota. Topics under discussion include internships, GA positions, not letting people define you as a coach, and the athletes she works with at Toyota Racing Development.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development



The National Strength and Conditioning Association is proud to work with our outstanding partners and thank them for their continued support.

NSCA Strength and Conditioning Professional Standards and Guidelines

June 1, 2017

Article CEU

The NSCA Strength and Conditioning Professional Standards and Guidelines is intended to help identify areas of risk exposure, increase safety and decrease the likelihood of injuries that might lead to claims, and ultimately improve the standard of care being offered. This is a valuable resource for every strength and conditioning coach.

Coaches Organization and Administration guidelines coaching resources strength and conditioning Standards

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