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(24 found)

Thoracic Mobility

July 1, 2015


The loss of required thoracic spine ranges of motion for sport movements can be problematic for the elite athlete, as well as the weekend warrior. The purpose of this article is to explore biomechanical causes for thoracic mobility restriction as well as provide easily applicable techniques to restore mobility.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design strength training strength and conditioning thoracic mobility

Incorporating Variety with Bulgarian Bags

March 3, 2018


This article presents ways to add variety to workouts using Bulgarian Bags as an alternative to kettlebells. It also provides an effective sample Bulgarian Bag program.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design bulgarian bags personal training kettlebell training

Reducing the Load on First Responders

April 1, 2014

Article Members Only

In order to move patients, gear, and equipment properly, the first responder must be able to move well themselves. Both unloaded and loaded movement should be examined and trained. One way to achieve this is to train frequently and properly with a constant focus on both mobility and strength in the various positions that are commonly required of first responders.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration tactical strength and conditioning TSAC-F TSAC; first responders

Simplicity is Key—Strategies for Improving your Coaching and Communication

September 17, 2018

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Establishing a relationship and communicating with your clients in simplified terms that they can understand is a critical aspect of the training process. If you are not taking the time to do this, start now, and it will make the whole experience better for everyone involved.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Communication Personal Trainer Client Interaction Coaching Cues

Applied Periodization in Shoulder Injury for the Tactical Athlete—Part 1

July 1, 2016

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An organized, science-based, and evidence-based periodized program that is guided by capable and competent professionals is the most efficient and effective way to accomplish the task of returning from a shoulder injury to full active duty. The concepts of periodization paired with evidence-based strength and conditioning interventions provides the framework needed for tactical facilitators to accomplish this task.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease tactical strength and conditioning TSAC periodization rehab shoulder injury

Acceleration and Deceleration Mechanics

June 5, 2020


This excerpt breaks down the optimal positions of the body during acceleration and deceleration.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Acceleration Deceleration Ground Reaction Forces Agility Change of Direction

Advanced Understanding of Olympic-Style Weightlifting for Sport

September 24, 2018

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Some of the major misconceptions concerning Olympic-style weightlifting for sport are addressed in this article, providing evidence-based recommendations to better implement the snatch, clean and jerk, and their derivatives in the training of high school and collegiate athletes.

Coaches Program design Olympic Style Weightlifting Snatch Clean Jerk High School Coaching hs-coaching

The Case for Gameday Resistance Training in Non-Contact High-Intensity Intermittent Sports

February 5, 2021

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The purpose of this article is to review the related literature that has explored the influence of resistance training programs on the onset of fatigue and muscular power as it relates to non-contact high-intensity intermittent sports, in order to provide suggestions for creating same-day training programs.

Coaches Program design Neuromuscular Fatigue Power Gameday Resistance Training Post Activation Potentiation

Practical Application for Long-Term Athletic Development

May 28, 2012


Learn about the framework for practical, functional, and sequential skill development for a “best practices” model. This model is designed to develop a movement vocabulary, physical literacy, and movement skills for improved athleticism.

Coaches Exercise Science athletic long-term youth skill development movement movement skills athleticism physical literacy skill building

Examining the Connection between Training the Core and Performance

November 26, 2021

Article Members Only

This article examines how training the core and performance are connected. This article seeks to help propose how to best use the literature to maximize understanding and use of the current concepts.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Core Strength Core Stability Star Excursion Balance Test

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