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(63 found)

Presence of Spotters Improves Bench Press Performance: A Deception Study

August 19, 2019


This infographic outlines a study that investigated the effect of the presence of a spotter on bench press performance.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Testing and Evaluation Infographics Bench Press Spotting

Acceleration Profile of High-Intensity Movements in Basketball Games

September 16, 2022


This infographic briefly explains a study that aimed to identify which movements during simulated basketball games require greater acceleration and their frequency of occurrence.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Infographics Basketball Acceleration Deceleration

Effects of Training on Sand or Hard Surfaces on Sprint and Jump Performance of Team-Sport Players: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis

June 18, 2021


This infographic breaks down training on different surfaces and how they affect performance outcomes.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Infographics Sand Sprint Jump Team Sports

Velocity-Based Training, From Theory to Application: The Basics

September 25, 2020


This infographic introduces velocity-based training (VBT), and is the first of a three part series explaining the theory behind and application of VBT.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Infographics Velocity Feedback Adaptations Threshold

Developing Powerful Athletes, Part 2: Practical Applications

June 26, 2020


This infographic discusses the practical application of training power across a variety of loads to encompass all motor skills in any one sport.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Infographics Strength Training Rate of Force Development Force Velocity

Complex and Contrast Training: Does Strength and Power Training Sequence Affect Performance-Based Adaptations in Team Sports?

May 22, 2020


This infographic reviews the current research of both complex and contrast training methods and their effect on performance measures.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Infographics Complex Training Contrast Training Program Design

The Intensity of Hockey Games in the NHL: In-Game Demands of Forwards and Defensemen

February 9, 2020


This infographic breaks down the demands that forwards and defensemen face in official National Hockey League (NHL) games.

Coaches Program design Infographics Distance Per Minute Ice Hockey Game Demands NHL

Considerations for Velocity-Based Training – The Instruction to Move “as Fast as Possible” is Less Effective than a Target Velocity

January 13, 2020


This infographic summarizes a study that analyzed performance based on target velocity or coaching cue.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Infographics Coaching Cues Target Velocity

Assessing Group-Based Changes in High-Performance Sport. Part 2: Effect Sizes and Embracing Uncertainty through Confidence Intervals

January 28, 2022


The second in a two-part series, this infographic explains effect size, significance, and practical application through confidence intervals.

Coaches Testing and Evaluation Professional Development Infographics Effect Size Research Standardized Mean Difference Correlation Coefficient Odds Ratio

Principal Component Analysis of the Biomechanical Factors Associated with Performance during Cutting

September 24, 2021


This infographic highlights an investigation into the relationship between joint-based biomechanical variables in cutting and performance outcome during change-of-direction.

Coaches Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation Infographics Change-of-Direction Biomechanics Ground Contact Time Hip Flexion Force Plates

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