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(293 found)

Meeting Your Clients Where They Are – How to Nest Your Goals with Theirs

This article will provide some conditions and standards with specific tools personal trainers may consider using in their initial interview with potential clients.

Personal trainers Client Consultation|Assessment Professional Development Clients Accountability Goals Personal Trainers Progress

Back to Basics: 3 Steps of the Initial Consultation

August 24, 2018

Article Members Only

Developing a truly successful program involves several layers that the personal trainer must address with time, competence, and critical thinking. A thorough and complete initial consultation can ensure that the personal trainer has all the data that they need to design a program that is time-efficient and successful.

Personal trainers Program design Organization and Administration Client Consultation|Assessment Personal Trainer Client Consultation Training Programs

Back to Basics: 3 Steps of the Initial Consultation

June 1, 2017


Developing a truly successful program involves several layers that the personal trainer must address with time, competence, and critical thinking. A thorough and complete initial consultation can ensure that the personal trainer has all the data that they need to design a program that is time-efficient and successful.

Coaches Exercise Science PTQ initial consultation

Basic Obstacle Race Program Design for a First-Time Participant

April 21, 2023

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The purpose of this article is to provide personal trainers an overview of training clients for their first Spartan Sprint event.

Personal trainers Program design Aerobic Endurance Muscular Strength Grip Strength


June 1, 2017


The catecholamines—primarily epinephrine, but also norepinephrine and dopamine—are secreted by the adrenal medulla and are important for the acute expression of strength and power because the hormones act as central motor stimulators and peripheral vascular dilators to enhance enzyme systems and calcium release in muscle.

Coaches Exercise Science catecholamines hormonal adaptations kinetic select

Training Athletic Development and Conditioning in Elite Soccer Players

August 21, 2020

Video Members Only

In this hands-on session from the 2020 NSCA Coaches Conference, Allison Skufca, from Landow Performance, demonstrates progressions from their four pillars of speed and agility training with soccer athletes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Speed Agility Top End Speed Deceleration Acceleration Soccer Energy Systems Development

Developing an Educational Culture

April 1, 2016

Article Members Only

Personal trainers and strength and conditioning coaches around the world are the frontline and display of any fitness facility. Common issues, such as sales techniques and member interaction/experience, can be qualities that are developed over time through employee education.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration fitness center nsca-cpt personal training

Meal Frequency and Weight Loss—Is There Such a Thing as Stoking the Metabolic Fire?

April 1, 2015


This article discusses the effects of an increase or decrease in meal frequency, specifically in regards to metabolic rate and body fat loss.

Personal trainers Nutrition nutrient timing meal timing lose weight by eating more weight loss increase metabolism metabolism

Muscle Growth

June 19, 2020


This article briefly explains the two principles necessary for muscle growth.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Hypertrophy Hyperplasia Muscle Size Resistance Training Dietary Patterns

Stretch-Shortening Cycle

February 14, 2020


This article briefly reviews the importance of the stretch-shortening cycle in power production.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Plyometrics Stretch Shortening Cycle Golgi Tendon Organ Power

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