The Importance of Proper Movement for Marines—Part 4: Movement Education

by Matt Zummo, CSCS
TSAC Report October 2014
Vol 39, Issue 1


In the final part of this four-part series on proper movement, the author recommends that the US Marine Corps screen the movement quality of each Marine and educate them on how to move correctly in order to reduce the risk of injury.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 



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12. Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center Epidata Center Department Report. Injury Rates in Active Duty U.S. Marines FY 2011, February 2012.
13. Norris, CM. Back Stability: Integrating Science and Therapy. (2nd ed.) Oxford, UK: Human Kinetics; 2008.
14. Peate, WF, Bates, G, Lunda, K, Francis, S, and Bellamy, K. Core strength: A new model for injury prediction and prevention. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 2: 3, April 2007.
15. Reed, JE. After action report for high-intensity tactical training in classes 14-13 through 1-14. Infantry Training Battalion, School of Infantry-East, Camp Lejeune, NC, Jan 2014.
16. Starrett, K, and Cordoza, G. Becoming a Supple Leopard: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance. Las Vegas, NV: Victory Belt Publishing; 2013.
17. United States Army. Master Fitness Trainer Course, Course Management Plan. Approved Aug 2012.
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Matt Zummo

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Matt Zummo is an active duty United States Marine. An armorofficer by trade, he most recently served as the BattalionCommander, 1st Tank Battalion, 1s ...

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