Practical Program Considerations when Designing a Training Program for Firefighters

by Matthew Sokoloski, CSCS, TSAC-F, Chris Irvine, CSCS, Ryan Gordon, CSCS, Isaac Rowland, CSCS, and Dr Brandon Rhett Rigby, PhD, CSPS, NSCA-CPT
TSAC Report November 2021
Vol 62, Issue 7

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Program design

The purpose of this article is to identify considerations that are to be taken into account when designing and implementing an annual training program for firefighters, as well as to discuss strategies for implementation.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 

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Matthew Sokoloski, PhD, CSCS, TSAC-F

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Chris Irvine, PhD, CSCS

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Isaac Rowland, CSCS

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Brandon Rhett Rigby, PhD, CSPS, NSCA-CPT

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