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Improving the Strength and Conditioning Program on a Limited Budget

by Allen Hedrick, MA, CSCS,*D, FNSCA, RSCC*E
NSCA Coach February 2023
Vol 9, Issue 4

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This article provides a first-hand perspective of different approaches strength and conditioning coaches can take when they need to produce a highly competitive athlete, but their financial resources are limited.

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This article originally appeared in NSCA Coach, a quarterly publication for NSCA Members that provides valuable takeaways for every level of strength and conditioning coach. You can find scientifically based articles specific to a wide variety of your athletes’ needs with Nutrition, Programming, and Youth columns. Read more articles from NSCA Coach »

Related Reading



1. Bennett, S. Using “strongman” exercise in training. Strength and Conditioning Journal 30(3): 42-43, 2008.

2. Fares, R, German, V-R, and Olmedillas, H. Effect of active recovery protocols on the management of symptoms related to exercise-induced muscle damage: a systematic review. Strength and Conditioning Journal 44(1): 57-70, 2022.

3. Greenwood, M, and Greenwood, L. Facility Organization and Risk Management. In: Baechle, TR, and Earle, RW (Eds.), Essentials of Strength and Conditioning (3rd ed.) Champaign, Il: Human Kinetics; 543-568, 2008.

4. Hoffman, J. Health concerns with fire service and benefits of a health and wellness program for a fire department. Strength and Conditioning Journal 37(4): 69-73, 2015.

5. Johnson, R. Post-workout nutrition for the high school athlete. Strength and Conditioning Journal 30(4): 49-50, 2008.

6. Jones, M. A model to create initial experiential learning opportunities in strength and conditioning. Strength and Conditioning Journal 37(5): 40-46, 2015.

7. Loureiro, LMR, de Melo Teixeira, R, Pereira, IGS, Reis, CEG, and da Costa, THM. Effect of milk on muscle glycogen recovery and exercise performance: A systematic review. Strength and Conditioning Journal 43(4): 43-52, 2021.

8. Mann, J, Ivey, PA, and Sayers, SP. Velocity-based training in football. Strength and Conditioning Journal 37(6): 52-57, 2015.

9. Sellers, J, and Ruedy, Z. Coaching and Implementing the tire flip exercise into a strength and conditioning program. Strength and Conditioning Journal 37(6): 109-112, 2015.

10. Weakley, J, Mann, B, and Banyard, MH. Velocity-based training: from theory to application. Strength and Conditioning Journal 43(2): 31-49, 2021.

11. Woulfe, C, Harris, N, Keogh, J, and Wood, M. The physiology of strongman training. Strength and Conditioning Journal 36(6): 84-95, 2014.

12. Zemke, B, and Wright, G, The use of strongman type implements and training to increase sport performance in collegiate athletes. Strength and Conditioning Journal 33(4): 1-7, 2011.

About the author

Allen R. Hedrick, MA, CSCS, RSCC*E, FNSCA

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Allen Hedrick retired in 2020 from the role of Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Colorado State University-Pueblo, in Pueblo, CO. Previously, He ...

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