NSCA CEU Opportunities

Make the quality and convenient choice for continuing education with NSCA CEU opportunities. From industry-leading conferences and clinics to virtual events and on-demand options such as CEU quizzes, the NSCA offers a wide range of options to support your professional development. Filter by type, category, price, and more to find the right continuing education opportunities to maintain your CSCS, CSPS, NSCA-CPT, and TSAC-F certifications.

Featured CEUs

Free CEU Opportunities for Members

Gain knowledge and get closer to your continuing education requirement goals for FREE as an NSCA member! Check out the complimentary continuing education including Classification and Determination Model of Resistance Training Status and Writing a Needs Analysis: Exploring the Details.

View CEU Offerings

Tactical Strength & Conditioning Course

Advance your expertise over the course of four days with a full range of results-oriented presentations and hands-on sessions covering strength and conditioning, nutrition, cognitive performance, injury prevention, and sports science.

Learn More

Looking for additional CEU opportunities? Check out pre-approved CEU home-studies, events and courses from our providers.


Title City State CEU Category CEUs CEU Type Price


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