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While some have described sport science as multidisciplinary, __________ may be a better description


Exercise science is primarily concerned with improving _______, while sport science is primarily concerned with improving _______.


Sport science applied at the meso-level may include which of the following?


Which of the following leagues/organizations require credentialed sport scientists for teams/clubs?


Collecting data from performance assessments and producing quick summaries for coaches would likely fall under which of the following sport science levels?


Concerning athlete development, sport science may be particularly useful in the form of providing recommendations for acute adjustments to training plans based upon _____________.


In a situation where time and budget are limited, which of the following is likely the best testing option?


One common issue for research methods in sport science settings is __________.


Due to their role as _________, sport scientists may help stakeholders become more efficient and effective at optimizing performance.


Along with an advanced level of content knowledge, which degree is typical for sport scientists?


While some have described sport science as multidisciplinary, __________ may be a better description


Exercise science is primarily concerned with improving _______, while sport science is primarily concerned with improving _______.


Sport science applied at the meso-level may include which of the following?


Which of the following leagues/organizations require credentialed sport scientists for teams/clubs?


Collecting data from performance assessments and producing quick summaries for coaches would likely fall under which of the following sport science levels?


Concerning athlete development, sport science may be particularly useful in the form of providing recommendations for acute adjustments to training plans based upon _____________.


In a situation where time and budget are limited, which of the following is likely the best testing option?


One common issue for research methods in sport science settings is __________.


Due to their role as _________, sport scientists may help stakeholders become more efficient and effective at optimizing performance.


Along with an advanced level of content knowledge, which degree is typical for sport scientists?


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