Coaching Advancement Grant & Assistantship Committee Application

The NSCA Foundation is seeking 4 individuals to serve a 3-year term (July 15, 2024-July 15, 2027) on the Coaching Advancement Grant & Assistantship Committee Application Grant Panel Application. The National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation Coaching Advancement Grant & Assistantship Committee is a standing committee for the purpose of developing and administering National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation Assistantships and Coaching Advancement Grants in accordance with industry best practices.

  • Authority

    The National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation Board delegates sole authority to the Committee to make essential recommendations regarding processes, and award distribution. The Committee shall function autonomously with regard to any and all undue influences in the fulfillment of its responsibilities, and shall at all times act in the best interests of applicants.

    The Committee shall remain accountable to the Board for the fulfillment of its responsibilities, and the Board shall be obligated to revoke this delegation of authority if the Committee shall act or demonstrate the intent to act in a manner that jeopardizes the mission or integrity of the NSCA/National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation or its Programs.

  • General Guidelines

    the Committee shall function, and its members act, in accordance with all relevant policies and guidelines established by the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation and the Board, e.g., Guidelines for National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation Committees, Volunteer Handbook. In instances where this document shall conflict with other guidelines and policies, this document takes precedence.

  • Meetings

    The Assistantship Committee will conduct multiple conference calls per year.

    Should the Committee want, they may also meet at the NSCA National Conference at their own discretion. Expenses by the Foundation will not be covered, as this is not a required meeting. Other meetings, including conference calls and web conferences will be conducted on an as-needed basis at the request of the Committee Chair and National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation staff. The annual meeting and other meetings shall be at a time and location agreed upon by the Committee and National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation staff. Appropriate notice of at least seven (7) days will be given prior to any Committee meeting. A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

    The Committee Secretary shall keep minutes from all meetings. Minutes shall be provided to the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation Board with 14 business days.

  • Participation

    The time commitment to the Committee, other than meetings, averages 20 hours per year for committee members, and 30 hours per year for the committee chair.  Time is spent on email, conference calls, and reviewing the policies and procedures of the Assistantship Committee, as necessary.

    Access to a phone and e-mail is mandatory.

    A committee member must be committed to serving a three-year term (to be determined by each committee’s respective needs).  Members appointed to fill an unscheduled vacancy will only be appointed to complete the vacant term.  The Board, following recommendations by the Committee Chair, approves the appointment of members.  There is no limit to the number of times a member may be reappointed to a committee, but can only serve two consecutive terms. 

  • Purpose

    To oversee the Coaching Advancement Grants and the Assistantship Program.  The Committee will recommend what candidates will receive funding.

  • Structure & Qualification

    Structure & Qualifications

    • A committee is made up of no fewer than three, no more than five members, including the Committee Chair and National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation BOD Liaison.
    • All members have voting privileges except for the Staff & BOD Liaison.
    • A member should serve on no more than one National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation committee at any one time.
    • Qualification requirements are dependent on a committee’s purpose, but must include CSCS certification, a field specific master’s degree, and pertinent past experience.
    • Members of a committee must be current NSCA members.
    • The committee will hold a minimum of two phone meetings per year within 1 week of the deadlines (March 1 and October 1 each year). Chair attendance is mandatory.

    Members of the Assistantship committee have been designated by the Foundation BOD.  Committee members are appointed for a three-year term.

Apply to serve on the NSCA Foundation Coaching Advancement Grant & Assistantship Committee

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