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Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 2:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of  the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.

NSCA Board of Directors

The National Strength and Conditioning Association is governed by a Board of Directors that is elected by the NSCA membership. The board is comprised of eight members of the NSCA and one elected public member.

President, Ian Jeffreys, PhD, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, RSCC*E, FNSCA

Ian Jeffreys is an internationally renowned and award-winning coach, educator, and author. A former professional rugby player and international coach, he is regarded as a world authority in the development of speed and...

Vice President, Duncan French, PhD, CSCS,*D, RSCC*E

Duncan French is globally recognized as a leading expert in high performance sport, having 25 years of experience working with athletes from over 40 different professional and Olympic sports. Presently, French is the Vice President of Performance for the UFC Performance Institute. He is responsible for directing high performance services to 650...

Secretary/Treasurer, Jaynie Bjornaraa, PhD, PT, CSCS,*D, CSPS,*D

Jaynie Bjornaraa has been physical therapist since 1984, specializing in sports and orthopedic injuries (APTA Board certified in Sports). She is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and Certified Special Populations Specialist (CSPS) by the National Strength and Conditioning...

Academician/Researcher Member, Shawn Arent, PhD, CSCS,*D, FACSM, FISSN, FNAK

Dr. Shawn M. Arent is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Exercise Science at the University of South Carolina in the Arnold School of Public Health, which houses one of the top-ranked PhD and sport science programs in the nation. He is also the Director of the USC Sport Science Lab. Previously...

Personal Trainer Member, Alexis Batrakoulis, PhD, CSCS,*D, CSPS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, FACSM

Dr. Alexis Batrakoulis is a multi-award-winning exercise professional with almost three decades of experience who currently works as an Adjunct Professor, personal trainer, and fitness educator based in Greece. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and Sports Science, a Master of Science in Exercise...

Board Member, Jay Dawes, PhD, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, TSAC-F,*D, FNSCA

Jay Dawes is an Associate Professor of Applied Exercise Science in the Department of Kinesiology, Health and Recreation at Oklahoma State University. Dr. Dawes has worked as a university athletic performance coordinator, strength/performance coach, personal trainer, and educator for over 20...

Board Member, Disa Hatfield, PhD, CSCS,*D

Disa L. Hatfield is currently a professor and department chair at the University of Rhode Island in the Department of Kinesiology. Dr. Hatfield is certified by the NSCA as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist with Distinction and has served on the NSCA’s Education Committee, Research Committee and the Nominating Committee and as an Associate...

Public Member, Kimberley S. Koy, Esq.

Kimberley (Kim) Koy is President and Chief Executive Officer of Employers Council. Kim joined Employers Council in 2000. From 2000 – 2005, Kim worked with Employers Council members in employment law related matters. From 2005 - 2014, Kim was the Director of the Southern Regional Office of Employers Council concentrating on business and member...

Educational/Institutional Strength and Conditioning Professional, Antonio Squillante, MS, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, RSCC*D

Antonio Squillante is a Registered Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach with Distinction (RSCC*D) with more than 10 years of experience coaching high school, collegiate, and professional athletes competing at the...

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