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(269 found)

TSAC-F Study Materials(2)


The TSAC-F examination reflects the most current and accepted KSA standards within the health and fitness industries. Further, the examinations may be developed from references that may be in addition to resources listed below. NSCA materials survey important content area, but are not a comprehensive study of the Exercise Sciences.

CSCS Prerequisites

To be eligible to take the CSCS® examination, candidates must fulfill certain criteria. Candidates must hold at least a bachelor's degree or currently be enrolled as a college senior at an accredited institution. Learn more about the prerequisites to sit for the CSCS® exam.

Introduction to Sport Psychology

June 1, 2017 - June 1, 2017


Similarities and overlaps exist between the realm of sport psychology and the profession of strength and conditioning coaching. This article provides a basic introduction to sport psychology and provides some guidance for preliminary directions; ideally, it will help strength and conditioning coaches find effective people and resources to help them in their coaching pursuits.

Coaches Exercise Science NSCA Coach Introduction to Sport Psychology Sport Psychology mental training strength and conditioning

Earn NSCA CEUs through Presentations


Contribute to the advancement of the strength and conditioning profession while earning CEUs when you share your knowledge and skills as a presenter.

Why Your High School Needs a Qualified Strength and Conditioning Professional

June 1, 2017


A qualified strength and conditioning professional in the high school environment can benefit both the school and the students in a number of ways, including injury reduction, improved performance, and risk management.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration risk management injury reduction ltad cscs NSCA Coach

CSCS® Exam Description


Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Exam Description. The Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist® (CSCS®) exam is comprised of two sections that test the candidate's knowledge in the Scientific Foundations and Practical/Applied areas.

CSCS how to prepare


One of the most common questions received is, "How do I prepare for the CSCS® exam"? Preparation for the NSCA’s certification exams begins with a plan. The following steps provide you with a fairly comprehensive set of recommendations that, based on your background, may need modification: no one set of recommendations or resources can meet the needs of each individual. You will need to determine what steps meet your needs and provide you with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to certify and begin your career as a strength and conditioning professional

Jly14/2013: A. Eugene Coleman to Receive the NSCA's 2013 Boyd Epley Award for Lifetime Achievement


Colorado Springs, CO - A. Eugene Coleman to Receive the NSCA's 2013 Boyd Epley Award for Lifetime Achievement. Coleman served as the strength and conditioning coach for the Houston Astros for over 30 years and is recognized for his work with NASA.

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