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(104 found)

NSCA Announces 2017 Coach of the Year Awards


Colorado Springs, CO – Coaches Bill Foran, Jeff Connors, and Domenic Reno recognized for their career accomplishments at the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Coaches Conference on January 4, 2017 in Nashville, TN.

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 56: Roger Marandino


Roger Marandino, Director of Research at Catapult, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about his experiences as a strength coach at the youth, collegiate, and National Football League (NFL) level. Topics under discussion include the struggles he faced as a young coach, his advice for making a big impact on a small budget, interviewing skills, and the new opportunities arising in the strength and conditioning profession.

Coaches Professional Development

Case Study: The Significant Change Quietly Taking Place in High School Athletics


Strength and Conditioning Coaches who are NSCA-Certified are preparing youth for training, using proven strategies that improve their safety and competitiveness.

Assessing Agility Using the T Test, 5-10-5 Shuttle, and Illinois Test

May 1, 2017


Before implementing an agility training program, baseline measures of change of direction ability should be assessed. This article presents norms for three tests that can be used to assess change of direction ability.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation agility exercise testing assessment T test 5-10-5 Shuttle Illinois Test

120213: NSCA Celebrates 2014 Coaches of the Year Awards


Colorado Springs, CO - National Strength and Conditioning Association announces 2014 Coach of the Year Awards. Winners include: Professional Strength and Conditioning Coach Joe Kenn, College Coach, Shannon Turley and Assistant Collegiate Coach, Caitlin Quinn.

NSCA Coaching Podcast Special Episode - The Power of Mentorship with Mike Minnis and Co-Host Jon Jost


Mike Minnis, Director of Performance Nutrition and Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Philadelphia Eagles National Football League (NFL) team, talks to the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, and guest co-host Jon Jost, a 27-year veteran collegiate strength and conditioning coach and Gatorade’s Team Sports Manager. This Gatorade Performance Partner Special Episode, highlights “The Power of Mentorship” and the importance of building quality relationships as the foundation of meaningful mentor and mentee experiences. Find Mike on LinkedIn: Mike Minnis, Twitter: @MMinnis89, or Instagram: @MMinnis89 |Find Jon via email: jonathan.jost@pepsico.com | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

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