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(366 found)

Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training for Athletic, General, and Clinical Populations

August 14, 2020

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The goal of this brief review is to describe what classifies as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and summarize the potential benefits for various populations: athletic, general, and clinical.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design HIIT Maximal Aerobic Capacity Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training Tabata

Prescription Exercise Programming in Preparation for the Army Combat Fitness Test

February 24, 2023

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This article discusses the importance and impact a qualified fitness professional on the fitness and readiness of soldiers for the United States Army.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Army Army Combat Fitness Test Soldiers Fitness

Fartlek Training with Personal Training Clients

April 3, 2020


This article explains Fartlek training as well as how it can be programmed and individualized for different clients.

Personal trainers Program design Fartlek Training Intensity Anaerobic Aerobic Intervals ATP-PC

The Recharge Skate – A Tool for Expressing In-Season Repeat Sprint Ability

March 4, 2022


This article features the recharge skate—an in-season hockey conditioning drill, designed by the authors, to maintain hockey-specific energy system fitness throughout the competitive season.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Ice Hockey Repeat Sprint Ability Alactic Energy Systems Development

Intensity and Volume by Drill Type

June 1, 2017


Coaches can use drills to improve quickness and agility. The training session can improve the specific areas needed to increase performance results by setting up appropriate intensity levels, duration of drills, recovery periods, and volume of drills.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design agility quickness strength and conditioningstrength and conditioning

Strength Training and Endurance Athletes

November 1, 2014

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High-intensity strength training paired with explosive, high-velocity movements is suggested to enhance endurance performance. It is recommended that a practical approach be taken when implementing this model of strength training, which would involve a thorough preparatory period.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design strength training weight training strength training for endurance endurance training concurrent training

The Effects of Strength Training on Running Economy in Highly Trained Runners

May 1, 2017


A review of the literature concludes that a strength training program including low-intensity to high-intensity resistance exercises and plyometric exercises performed 2 – 3 times per week for 8 – 12 weeks is an appropriate strategy to improve running economy in highly trained middle- and long-distance runners.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique running economy infographics

High-Intensity Resistance and High-Impact Training and Bone Mineral Density—a Narrative Review: Part 1

May 6, 2019

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High-Intensity Resistance and High-Impact Training and Bone Mineral Density—a Narrative Review: Part 1

Coaches Program design Resistance Training High Intensity Training HIIT High Impact Training

Implementation of HIIT Sessions to Maintain Physical Preparedness during Military Deployments

September 6, 2024

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This article discusses how high-intensity interval training may be an effective metabolic training method for soldiers trying to maintain physical preparedness during deployment.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Soldier High-Intensity Interval Training Aerobic Anaerobic Prepardness

Aerobic Endurance Training Strategies

June 1, 2017


Various aspects of resistance training, such as specific exercises chosen, workout structure, resistance used, volume (repetitions and sets), rest intervals between sets, and training frequency, can be manipulated to mold the strength training program to best meet an endurance athlete’s goals.

Coaches Exercise Science kinetic select Aerobic endurance endurance training aerobic training

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